Once they came, I made a trip to Michaels and managed to find the cutest yellow polka dot ribbon in the $1 bin! My roommate Amanda and I actually took every spool of ribbon out of that bin trying to find another polka dot one, but had no luck. I also picked up one four inch styrofoam ball and one three inch styrofoam ball. My flower girl will be 4 and my junior bridesmaid will be 9, so I wanted them to have different size pomanders.
As soon as I got home from Michaels, I busted out the glue gun. I followed this tutorial, so I won't repeat all the instructions but I did modify a few things. I put the ribbon in the styrofoam ball before attaching the flowers. To do this, I cut the ribbon to the size loop I wanted, then I knotted the end. I used a screw driver to make a hole in the top of the ball, filled it with hot glue and then stuck the knot in. After I put the ribbon on, I just took each daisy, stuck it in the styrofoam ball to make a hole, then removed the daisy, filled the hole with glue, and the stuck the daisy back in. I kept doing that until the entire ball was covered. My roommate Amanda then tied the bows and we hot glued them at the base of the ribbon handle. I think I used a little over one bunch of daisies to do both pomanders and it took me maybe 20 minutes. Here is the finished product!!
(Personal picture)